Thursday, March 5, 2015

Pregnancy, Week 31- My hips dont lie

Physical Symptoms: This week, for the first time, I have said, "I'm over being pregnant." Most days I am feeling good. Some days are harder. One day this week my belly was feeling overly tight, my back was hurting and I just could not get comfortable sitting, standing nor lying down. I think Natalie may of been positioned against my back because the next day I was back to normal.  Today I am having some hip discomfort. My narrow hips are probably starting to stretch out in preparation for labor. I have been waking up more during the night trying to get comfortable. Basically, the last stretch of pregnancy is starting to happen. The more uncomfortable, body beating, preparation for labor part. I just keep reminding myself 1) this is only going to get worse, lol, 2) this is only temporary. So am I glass half full or half empty? Ha!

Tiredness. How dare Netflix release House of Cards during my third trimester when I can't keep my eyes open at night. Chris has had to turn off the show multiple time because he catches me sleeping. So for two people who can usually average 3-4 shows a night, we are down to around 1 and 1/2. Ha!

Food Weirdness: My friend gave me a tip that eating an apple can help with heartburn.  Over the weekend I could not deny a pepperoni pizza even thought those little guys give me major heartburn. I ate an apple right after and had zero heartburn! Interesting, huh?

Size of little (girl) bug: Romaine Lettuce? Umm Okay.

Workout: More walking, fit breaks and yoga. I enjoy yoga because it also trains my breathing. Hopefully it will help me remember to breathe during labor.

Preparation: I went into MAJOR nesting mode over the weekend. Deep cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms. (Chris cleaned the shower which I refuse to do! Thanks babe!) Hung pictures on the walls & put some things in the garage. I am very happy I had the energy to get all of that done. Soon we will be making space (aka. a wall in our room) for Natalie's things. I am looking forward to that.

I also got in touch with the pediatricians office that will be seeing Natalie after she is born. One more thing off the list!

Discovery: Natalie has reached the length she will be at birth. Now she is just packing on the pounds.

Funny Moment: Watching me get up off the ground is pretty funny. There is a method. Roll, breathe, get on all fours, breathe, hope there is something you can grab on to nearby, breathe, pull yourself up, grunt, breath, come to a standing position, breathe, tell yourself you will never sit on the floor again while pregnant. breathe.

Feelings: Our household is getting excited for the baby to arrive.  We know not everything is perfectly in place yet but I can tell there is an excitement and anticipation building. Thankful for Chris, he has been very attentive and even more sweet to me than usual. I love when he refers to Natalie as "our daughter". I haven't used that term often, I still say "baby" or "Natalie" but I am going to start. It's hard to explain but the term daughter seems much more unique and personal and I like that. Our daughter is uniquely a product of us. Pretty dang cool.

Week 32 pic:

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