Thursday, April 9, 2015

Pregnancy, Week 35 & 36- Little baby clothes

Physical Symptoms: A few weeks ago I was having bad headaches. This was proven to just be allergies that were conjured up from those pesky Santa Ana winds because the headaches have stopped.  Acid reflux is still in full force but it is true eating an apple right after a meal keeps it at bay. If you take anything away from the blog, let it be that one tidbit. Life changer.

Last Saturday, I was experiencing a lot of stomach cramping and it kind of freaked me out. Mostly because during the time of the stomach cramping we were visiting our families cabin near Big Bear which is pretty much as far as you can get away from my hospital. Turns out it was just gas/lack of sleep/irregular eating time/my organs being smooshed in my body... pains. After a nice long nap I was feeling back to my ole self.

As of yesterday, I am 37 weeks pregnant. I visited the doctor (now on weekly visits) and had a ultrasound to approximate Natalie's weight.  According to the measurements she is around 6.5 pds which is normal. At 37 weeks I am now considered full term meaning that if she came tomorrow she would be fully developed. Wow! I have a real live functioning babe in my belly complete with all the things! Natalie's head has already dropped pretty low. It hasn't really bothered me except when she moves I feel some pelvic sensation. It's not really pain, more like a pressing down feeling.

If I lay on my side too long I experience some hip/leg pain which is very uncomfortable but overall I have been sleeping a bit better the last few days. I attribute it to the nice cool weather outside keeping the apartment at a comfortable temp.

Overall, I feel good and am thankful for my healthy body.

Food Weirdness: I have craved pizza often lately. Which is funny because that is what my mom craved when she was pregnant with me.

Size of little (girl) bug: Papaya

Workout: Walking and fit breaks! I must add though that this week I have realized it has been hard for me emotionally not being as active as I used to. Being active is my mental release and though walking and fit breaks are nice I am used to something more challenging and for longer periods.  It has been hard for me to take it easy and I look forward to getting back into greater activity soon. I have even thought about signing up for a 5k in the summer to have at least a small goal of activity to reach.

Preparation: Chris and I have done a lot of preparing the apartment for Natalie's arrival. Her clothes are washed and put away. Her co-sleeper is set up along with her changing table.  I have also packed her diaper bag with all the essentials. We found creative ways of storage for our small apartment and overall I feel good about how everything fits in our small space. I need to pack my hospital bag which is the largest unfinished task looming at the moment.

Also, I have been working with my HR filing papers for my maternity leave and preparing to add Natalie to our insurance.

Lastly, the person who will be filling in at my job while I am away has started.  I have been training her and she will do a great job. I tell you though, I forgot how tiring it is to train someone. You have to be "on" all the time and I feel like I am constantly talking or explaining things.

Discovery: The bigger you get, the nicer people are. Strangers will open doors, allow you to pass them in the grocery line, let you have their seat, give you a little bit more food/dessert than other restaurant patrons, etc. etc.  I can't tell you the amount of times I have thought about putting a sign on my car that reads "I am 9 months pregnant" just so people would be nicer on the road. I wonder if it would work! Ha!

Funny Moment: The other day I had the privilege to meet one of my good friend Janell's new baby who was born last Friday. I was able to hold him for about an hour while he slept.During the time he was leaning up against my belly Natalie was moving around like crazy. Its like she knew I had a baby in my arms. It was really cool. Also, it was really funny holding a newborn and thinking that there was a baby that same size and fully developed in my belly. It's just very surreal.

Feelings: I have been more emotional lately. Things seemed to get very real once my friend had her baby because in my community of pregger gals I see regularly, I may be next. There is a lot of anticipation of what life will looks like after Natalie's arrival. How will I change? How will my marriage change? Friendships? Work life? Family life? It's a lot to think about and we are basically just waiting for her to come so we can get used to our new normal.

Chris and I are having great communication about it all though and I am so thankful to have an amazing partner to go through all these changes with.

PS: Congrats to Chris & Janell on their little guy! Cant wait to have playdates soon!

36 Weeks!

Family Pic on Easter!

My pregnant work friend who is due just days after me. It has been so much fun going through this stage of life with her.

Natalie's domain

Clever idea I found on Pinterest to hold more baby clothes!

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